
4. Familienkonzert: Ludwig van Beethoven

Sun 29 June 2025

11 am - 12 pm

Großer Saal

10 €
10 €

Online booking

10 €

Ticket sales points


Further ticket sales points

4. Familienkonzert: Ludwig van Beethoven
Sun 29. June 2025 / 11 am - 12 pm / Großer Saal

Ticket sales points for

4. Familienkonzert: Ludwig van Beethoven
Sun 29. June 2025 / 11 am - 12 pm / Großer Saal
KulturKarte Kirchplatz 1
42103 Wuppertal
Mon.-Fri. 10 am to 6 pm
Sat. 10 am to 2 pm
Tel. +49 202 563-7666
Wie klingt Beethovens berühmteste Komposition? Welche Geheimnisse verbergen sich in seinen Sinfonien? Und wieso braucht Ralph eine Regenjacke, wenn das Sinfonieorchester Wuppertal Beethovens „Pastorale“ spielt? Auf humorvolle Art und Weise führt der Fernsehmoderator Ralph Caspers durch das Leben und das Werk des berühmten Komponisten und lädt das junge Publikum zum Mitmachen und Mitsingen ein.


Ralph Caspers
Sinfonieorchester Wuppertal
Patrick Hahn


Wuppertaler Bühnen und Sinfonieorchester GmbH

Kurt-Drees-Str. 4
42283 Wuppertal

Please note: For press images, please contact the event organiser directly.

Worth Knowing For Your Visit

  • Performance Venue Grosser Saal

    The event is taking place in the Großer Saal, the heart of the Historische Stadthalle. Its famous acoustics, spectacular sense of space under a ceiling that is 17 metres high, its décor and galleries take one’s breath away time and again.

Corona update

The FAQs for visitors and event organisers should answer questions concerning your visit or event organisation.


The Historische Stadthalle is located in the heart of North Rhine-Westphalia and lies in the centre of Wuppertal-Elberfeld. We are easily reached by public transport. The ICE train station and local bus stops are in the immediate vicinity.

This is where you will find detailed directions.

Parking Flat Day Rate

Make use of our flat day rate for parking. It only costs 4 euros. One useful tip: you can pay at the pay stations in the multi-storey car park itself or in the stairwell either when you return to your vehicle or in advance of attending events. That will save you time waiting at the pay stations after the end of events.


It goes without saying that the Historische Stadthalle is equipped to provide access for disabled people.

Wheelchair ramps and lifts (with announcement) will provide you with easy access to all rooms.

Parking spaces for disabled people are available both in the multi-storey car park and in the Südstrasse car park.

Toilets for disabled people can be found on the ground floor (to the right of the main entrance) at the eastern end of the foyer. They are clearly signposted.

A wheelchair is available in the building.

An unlimited number of wheelchair places is available in the Großer Saal.

Our concierge, foyer team and culinaria staff are happy to help should you need assistance at any time.